A pitch email serves one purpose – to spark an editor or journalist’s interest in your story. However, the idea of organizing one can be overwhelming to those who lack adequate writing skills and general public relations knowledge. So, to make the email pitching process easier and less overwhelming, we have put together this short guide on how to construct a pitch that actually gets attention.

Follow these easy tips to see your story print:

  • The introduction should be limited to three or four sentences and contain answers to all of the five W’s and one H – who, what, where, when, why, and how.
  • The body of the email should contain detailed information on your product, service, or cause. The body should not be any longer than two paragraphs.
  • The conclusion should be one paragraph, which is a short recap of the main points of the introduction and body.

Overall, the email text should be limited to one page and filled with succinct, newsworthy content. If it is longer than that, the editor or journalist may scrap it because it contains too much information, is too cumbersome, or he or she simply does not have the time to read it.

To make your email pitch easier and less overwhelming, we have put together this short guide on how to construct a pitch that actually gets attention.