I talk a lot about taking leaps of faith. That is how I entered into entrepreneurship. I brashly quit a job that seemed awesome, but wasn’t. I took a leap of faith. When I created my business, Indiepreneur Power, I thought I had finally realized my search for purpose – my daring had paid off at long last – I had arrived! Adam King, author of Entrepreneurship at Your Own Risk, must be laughing as he reads this.

Now, I realize that as a business owner, I must always be willing to leap into the unknown. At this very moment my business is undergoing a major transformation, the result of an intensive coaching course, Make Your Mark, with Tara Gentile and Adam King. At first, it was terribly disconcerting to realize that my business needed to be de-constructed and rebuilt on a new foundation. Yet the old identity no longer fit, and the need for change was undeniable.

The process of pushing my business to a new edge has taken me to a point of existential crisis that is all too familiar! Haven’t I given up the known over and over again when it didn’t feel quite right only to land finally on the wonderful ground that is a business of my own design? As it turns out, I must tell you that if you are an entrepreneur, your business will be in a process of evolution just as are you! You will need to prepare yourself to leap and leap again as your vision grows.

Goodbye security. You were a lovely illusion, but now I know that I must have the courage to take another leap of faith.

In an interview with Tara Gentile, Sarah J Bray suggests that we treat business like an experiment rather than treating our work like this is what we are going to do forever. Tara paraphrases this point of view as follows: Our ideal life & our great work, they are unknowable. We have to purposefully experiment to come closer & closer to knowing. While I am not on solid ground now, but rather floating in a new unknown, I definitely feel closer than ever before.

I am building my new brand at www.leameyerstudio.com and I love having a virtual studio where I can experiment with my great life and work! Here I plan to break my business down to its most simple and authentic expression. When I was standing on the other side of this decision, it felt like what I have been working toward all this time was for naught. Now, as I begin to rebuild, I know that this process is my work and that I am always moving forward.

So let me ask you, what is the next big step you need to take to move your
business forward?

If you happen to be standing on the edge of the unknown, looking at a big – perhaps overwhelming – change, I want to encourage you to take the leap. The truth is that there really is nowhere else to go. So, be bold, have faith and leap into the unknown! Whether you have been through a big change or are contemplating one now, I encourage you to share your story here. It helps tremendously to know that we are not alone when we are going through transition!