Are Premium WordPress Themes Really Necessary?Many people think that premium WordPress themes cannot do anything for them and then proceed to spend time and money creating a theme that had already been created and offered as a premium theme. It’s important before even considering creating a new theme to know what other themes have already been designed that could be modified slightly for your use.

Premium themes cover a large gamut of layout options and design styles that will appeal to the majority of users and which can be used as the basis for other layouts and designs.

Although there are several common layouts, the majority of the layouts fall in to just one or two categories: division by columns and division by rows. These layouts divide the content in a way that saves portions of the screen for navigation, content, and other important information with columns dividing the content horizontally and rows dividing it vertically.

One of the most common layout styles is a two-column layout. This layout generally has the navigation bar in a smaller column to the left-most or right-most side of the panel and which utilizes a larger central area of the screen to display the content. Don’t let the simplicity fool you, though – this layout is capable of achieving beautiful things with simple modifications. A great example of this layout can be found in the “Graphix” theme. Though obscured by a small picture gallery between the top-most navigation and the central content, you can see the division of the two columns. This layout is suited for any content.

Another common and classic style is the double-or-triple row style, which puts all of the content in the center of the screen below a navigation bar with no need to scroll.

This design is most commonly used for artistic websites and can also be commonly found on websites that center around one specific topic. An example of this is the “Web Studio” theme, which uses a triple-row with the center row displaying the content, the top row as the navigation bar, and the bottom row for the copyright. A slight modification to any premium WordPress themes using this kind of layout may allow you to use the bottom row for navigation, freeing the top row for other content.

These are just two of the most common designs and two themes which have modified the common designs to do something more. However, what many people do not know is that premium themes do not have to look the way they are displayed; the truth is that many customization options are available in every theme and that there are many ways to easily modify a theme using the standard WordPress interface in order get the exact behavior that you want or the exact look that you need for your WordpPess-powered website. Knowing that, do you still think that premium WordPress themes can do nothing for you or your website?