Definition of “purple passion”: With an intensity of emotion.

Know what I hate with a purple passion?!


It’s an annoying, in-your-face (on your front doorstep, in your mailbox, and on the
windshield of your car) interruptive way business owners use to get your attention and
makes sales.


Marketing, on the other hand, is a much gentler and non-threatening approach to
engaging with your target audience, growing your list, and building brand awareness.

Think of it this way:

Advertising is a “PUSH” and Marketing is a “PULL” (Where you attract your
audience to you with your content and they opt in to receive your content. They are in
complete control of the marketing messages they choose to see.)

Marketing is easy. It’s fun. And it’s the best way to build those all-important
relationships with your potential customers and clients.

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, your marketing “hat” will become the
most-worn garment in your business wardrobe!

To be highly successful, you need to wear your marketing hat every. single. day.

Here are some strategies to help you market your business with a purple passion!

  1. Put your URL on a bumper sticker.
  2. Get a car magnet with your business logo/details.
  3. Put your business cards in outgoing mail.
  4. Give your product/service as a gift.
  5. Collect and publish customer testimonials.
  6. Get listed in DMOZ and other directories.
  7. Create a promotional video for your business and put it on the video sharing websites.
  8. Comment on other blogs that reach your target market.
  9. Develop your signature speech.
  10. Send a press release about some interesting aspect, new product, or accomplishment of your business to local media.
  11. Team up with another business owner and promote your products/services together.
  12. Surround yourself with support and positivity!


Would you like a boat load of marketing ideas?


Knock on the door of Solo Mompreneur and claim your Free Treasure Chest of
biz-building resources including “101+ Free and Cheap Ways to Market Your Business”.

Purple, pink, yellow, or blue …

Market with a passion!