Most small business owners I know are so busy juggling their busy, full lives that thinking about adding one more thing can be just too much. I get it! When I say to many of my clients that they should be blogging, I can almost hear them thinking, “yeah, right!”

Because lots of my clients are just like you! They create products because they love it, and enjoy the satisfaction and extra income from selling them. But, they often hold down other jobs, have families, have to tend to their sites and their production – any one of those can be a full-time job.

But when we start talking about their goals, they realize that investing their time and effort in blogging, of all things, can get them there! Here are five reasons I believe every entrepreneur should blog:

  • Blogging can be a visual way to show your products. Sure, you have awesome product shots on your website, but blogging with photos can do so much more. Photos invite readers in to spend time on your site, and great visuals on your blog can really enhance your entire site. When you link directly to the products, you’re creating your own sales funnel.
  • Blogging allows you to tell your ideal clients visitors why YOU can have the solutions they need. Be that jewelry designer who sets yourself apart as an influencer and tastemaker with a blog. She becomes like a personal stylist to her readers, who naturally want to know how they can buy the fabulous things she’s showing and talking about in a post about spring jewelry trends. (She links to them on her product pages, of course!) Or, if you sell awesome organic body care products, take the time to talk to your readers about why this is so important – how these organic ingredients are vital to women’s health. Knowing what challenges your ideal client faces — and sharing how you can solve them – will make your blog a must read.
  • Blogging can lead to long-term lead generation if you promote your posts consistently over time. When you create content around those solutions to your ideal customer’s needs, make sure they can find it. Use simple SEO tactics, like a keyword research tool, to find out what your customers are looking for, and use those words in your posts. Customers who stumble upon your website will be delighted to see that you can help them – and that’s how they start to know you.
  • Blogging establishes the “know, like and trust” factor online. This is key. What you’re doing when you communicate with your customers and prospects through a blog, is putting a face on your company. You’re letting your personality shine through and building a relationship that allows your customers to feel like they know you. And the bottom line is that people do business with people they “know.” Consistently reaching out through a blog makes you that trustworthy person who can meet their needs.

While I know how hard it can be to try to fit one more thing into your schedule, blogging is something that can pay huge dividends for the relatively short investment of time it takes. And you know what? It can be fun. Getting emails from clients who have read your blog and feel like they know you is so gratifying.

When I work with clients on how to incorporate a blog seamlessly into their marketing plan, it doesn’t take long for them to realize what you probably will too: Why you should be blogging!

When entrepreneurs think about their goals, they realize that investing time and effort into blogging can get them there. Here's why you should be blogging.