“I love your work…”
“Wow, your life is so perfect…”
“You changed my life…”
Sounds great, right? All that praise and approval? Isn’t that just what you’ve always wanted?
So why do you have a horrible, sinking feeling in your stomach?
There are quite a few unexpected thoughts and feelings that can arise when you begin to be a successful public person:
“I’m a fraud.”
“Everyone thinks my life is perfect and it is SO not perfect – I feel awful.”
“Why is being so popular so exhausting?”
Don’t worry – you’re not crazy. You’re just dealing with a very wonderful problem.
Let’s take these one at a time:
You Are Not A Fraud. You’re Just A Bit Bored With Yourself.
Remember, your ideas are always going to seem old-hat to you, because they are YOUR ideas. You’ve thought of them already. You’ve been working on them for some time now. And as hunter-gatherers, our brains are always more interested in the Next Thing than they are in the Old Thing.
Of course your work is going to feel a little obvious to you. This doesn’t make you a fraud. It makes you an innovator. But while your ideas may seem old to you, they are Brand New to the rest of us.
Tip: Don’t let your fatigue interfere with our excitement about your work.
When It Looks Great From The Outside But Feels Icky From The Inside
It’s a very lonely feeling when everyone keeps congratulating you on how terrific your business is going while you know that you are totally broke.
Or that you and your partner have been fighting. Ugly fighting.
Or that you’re thinking about giving it all up and moving far away.
Or that you are struggling with depression, health issues, family crises or some other private hell.
But you were well-raised, so you slap a smile on your face and act like everything’s fine even though it’s killing you.
Guess what? That’s the exact right thing to do. (Almost.)
Here’s the thing: when you become a businessperson/artist/entrepreneur, you also become a public person. And for the most part, you get to manage the message that the public receives about you. You want that message to be strong, to be consistent with your branding, and most of all, you want that message to be about them: your clients.
(I know in this age of extreme personal disclosure the idea that you should not share the gritty truth of your daily journey may seem a tad radical.)
Your public persona needs to appear smooth, calm and professional, and you need to keep your personal heartbreaks to yourself. While you’re still in the whirlwind of change, confusion and pain, don’t tell anyone…Except of course, for the people who truly care about you.
When you are feeling the knife-twist of “looks-great-outside-feels-awful-inside,” it is vital that you get as much private help, support, therapy, counseling, best-friend-time, exercise, meditation, spiritual guidance and practical advice as possible. Assemble your team of trusted advisors and, in confidence, talk the situation out with them.
You may want to share your story with your public after the fact – once you can tell it without crying – because it may become an important milestone for you, an important “teaching moment” for others, and a heartwarming part of your corporate story
Tip: The pain you are in is a strong signal that something needs to change, so pay attention, do your research and be brave. Remember, honey, you won’t always feel this way.
The Burden of Celebrity
Susan was so excited to be the first speaker at the conference. She was pleased by the prestige and the exposure, and she knew her presentation would knock ‘em sideways.
And it did.
“For three straight days, people kept coming up to me at break, at lunch, even during other people’s talks, wanting to tell me how great my presentation was and how much it meant to them. It was exhausting and sort of embarrassing. I ended up scurrying to hide in my hotel room every chance I got, because I didn’t know how to handle the pressure,” she said.
Here’s the thing: when people are telling you about how wonderful you are, it isn’t really about you. It’s about them. It’s about the experience they want to have of you.
Even if they are there to deliver a compliment, the compliment isn’t really for you – after all, they are not giving you a compliment because they think you need one – they are giving you a compliment because they need to give one. Which is, at bottom, great news. We want people to want us, to be interested in what we have to say and to care when we’re in the room.
As a public person, we need to be prepared for an avalanche of attention that is based on everybody wanting something from you. Frankly, it can be something of a marathon.
Get a lot of rest. Drink lots of water. Don’t forget to eat food that is healthy and sustaining. Limit your time “on the floor” and if you can, it’s great to have a stage manager-ish person who can tell people that you need to take a break now, but that you’ll be available later on, or that they can submit questions online, or whatever.
Susan realized that being the star of the conference was a blessing and after that first experience she got better at marshalling her energy and staying present to greet her attentive fans. “After all,” she said, “I’d rather be tired from everyone wanting to talk to me than be wide awake and have no one care!”
Tip: Other people’s attention is a high-quality problem to have. Be generous. Be attentive. Be grateful.
Managing your private and public personas can be a bit of a tightrope walk, but just like an aerialist, keeping your head up, your eyes forward and a delightful Mona Lisa-smile on your face will help keep you in balance, no matter what else is happening in the circus around you.
I love this article because it’s true…if you put yourself out there in whatever way…seminars, videos, articles…people do begin to connect with you and of course that’s what you want. This connection, or authority figure or whatever helps to engage and sell. But it comes with a bit of a price…people sometimes have high hopes or expectations. In the end I’ve personally been called everything from a savior to a scam artist and both titles bother me. I’m neither, but I try to do the best I can to help those who ask…and simply try to keep things in balance. As the article notes, it’s good advice and has worked on a personal level for me, regardless of whatever kind of “notoriety” may come my way.
I’m so glad you liked it! Samantha Bennett is an amazing writer. It’s very hard to come to terms with the persona we have to create and the personas people create ‘of’ us. I think you’re dead on with creating a balance.
Really insightful article, Sam! Thank you. I can see it being extremely helpful to people who have not yet moved into a strong sense of self-esteem. Until I built a healthy self-image after years of intense work, I flinched at every compliment, because I just “knew it was not true,” and the praise only made things worse.I also could not believe anyone loved me (“What’s to love?!”)
One big shift came when a very wise clinical therapist convinced me I had value just because I was born. He snuck that one in by making me first admit that my kids did!
Oh those sneaky therapists getting us to admit to our own innate worth! Hilarious. And remember the magic word… “sometimes” — all compliments are true “sometimes.” As are criticisms. So the comment, “You are wonderful” you can hear as “I am wonderful…sometimes” and the jab, “You are so boring” you can hear as “I am so boring…sometimes.”
Works like magic.
LOVE this post. Wonderful stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Ben!
Truly excellent post, Sam. Your hints and reminders are honest and insightful (as always).
You all might also like a free zero-sales audio I made recently about this very topic — inspired by this very article — you can find it here: http://theorganizedartistcompany.com/2011/08/why-is-it-so-awful-when-everyone-thinks-youre-so-wonderful/ (there’s no login or sign up necessary) – ENJOY! – Sam.
My pleasure, Robin — 🙂
This is SUCH and excellent article. Thank you so much i am sure you hit home as there are so many highs and lows we go through. 🙂 Blessings
Great post! I stumbled on this blog without any expectations, but you are really a great writer.
This article just put all the “public figure” pieces together. I totally get it now. Thanks so much!
This IS exactly how having been feeling. The overwhelming need to hide from people when they want to sing praises of your work and thinking is “really? good god if they only knew how (boring, old, exhausted, fill-in-the-blank).” It’s not the pressure of being up and preforming for a group. The public pressure of the effect it has on others, even good things, is a lot of responsibility. It can make you feel unworthy of the task. Am I good enough, educated enough, expert enough to change a person’s way of thinking. Thank you for this article. I will try hide to stop judging myself and my voice.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us! This is exactly what I needed right now. As always your writing and content are awesome…thanks much!
Great article and very good advice.
I’ve experienced this quite recently while completely broke and in throes of depression.
My mantra in that phase was “one day this will make a great blog post”. I’m not even kidding!
It’s exhausting having to pretend everything is great in front of people you don’t know so well and not just blurt out the truth when they ask you how things are going.
I want to speak out about depression on my blog, because I know many creative businesses owners struggle with it at the beginning when things aren’t going very well, and I want them to feel heard.
I’m waiting for the inner knowing that the time is right.
Love this quote: “Managing your private and public personas can be a bit of a tightrope walk, but just like an aerialist, keeping your head up, your eyes forward and a delightful Mona Lisa-smile on your face will help keep you in balance, no matter what else is happening in the circus around you.” Thanks for the wisdom!