Let’s face it. If you didn’t want to make more money, honey, you wouldn’t be reading this. So, cutting straight to the chase. There are two ways to bring in money. One is through love, the other is through fear.

Fear is highly motivating. Your internal chemist shoots you up with a dose of adrenaline. You feel the rush. You start the hustle. Makin’ things happen. Knocking on doors left and right. Instincts on alert. You’re singlularly focused and you’re stalking the dough, baby, stalking the dough. Hey, it’s effective. You can make lots of money when you’re doped up on fear. In fact, this is exactly how most people go about creating capital.

But, before you start drinking the kool-aid, consider the not so sexy side effects. Physically, your body only makes a limited supply of stress hormones. Once you’ve used them, your adrenals shut down and lethargy hits. Think chronic fatigue. Think droopy black bags under your eyes. Think washed up and burned out. (Can I get a no way Jose?!)

When you run your business, or any part of your life for that matter, on fear, you’re creating wiring in your brain that programs you to believe some not so awesome things. “Life is scary, full of predators that need to be avoided or taken down. The only way to be safe is to push down your feelings, keep your heart protected (read ‘closed’), and keep hacking it out.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of such thoughts floating around in my noggin. Plus, while you’re busy dodging bullets and lining your pockets with the gold you’re terrified of losing, your family, friends, and passions all become lost in the storm of dust you’ve kicked up. Eventually, just like your overtaxed adrenals, they shrivel up and die. And then, all that money, what was even the point?

Not to fret, sugar. You don’t have to do it like that. You can run your business on love. I don’t know about you, but I’m a fan of happy, healthy environments and clean burning fuel. Love is the cleanest, greenest fuel in the Universe. It’s totally free and ever abundant. In my experience, building a business through love isn’t just effective, it’s sustainable. You never have to burn out!

When you run your business on love you can fill your cup, feed your family, and serve your community. Your business can fit into the balance of your whole life. You can share yourself so honestly and offer so much value to your customers and clients that they actually feel good paying you. Now doesn’t that sound great? (I can hear your adrenals and your loved ones singing hallelujah!)

Regardless of whether you’re selling products or offering services, love is happy to rocket-launch you and your business to the furthest star. It just takes a little re-education, re-prioritizing and some serious strategy. Here are the two most important things I do that keep my life in balance and my business, Deeper Ground, running on love.

#1 Overflow is Attractive.

My business doesn’t come first. What? Yup, you heard me right. My Health. My Family. My Business. In that order. Magnetizing money is just like magnetizing a mate. Desperation is not attractive. When you’re taking care of yourself, when you’ve got your priorities straight and you’re in the balance of your life, men find you magnetic. Money feels the same way about you, darling.

Clean money likes passing through the hands of people who respect themselves and care for those around them. I take such good care of my body, my mind, my spirit, and my husband that they all respond by providing me with tons of energy to share in the world. My cup is full and running over. I run my entire business on the overflow. My vibe is attractive and I feel great in my life.

# 2 Magnetize Your Match.

Just like you don’t date people who aren’t good for you, don’t waste your time and energy with clients who aren’t a good match. (Hopefully you’ve gotten to this point in your personal life. If not, I’ve been there and I can help you!)

Create a picture of your ideal client and get to know him or her. Who are they? Are they male or female? How old? How do they dress? What kind of relationships do they have? What is their lifestyle like? Who are their friends? Where do they shop? What do they eat? And most importantly, what do they wish they could change about their life?

When you understand this ideal customer you don’t have to waste energy marketing to the wind. You can simply craft your copy, your products, your blog posts to reach him or her. Every time you launch a product or a service you can ask yourself if this person would buy it, and if not, why. There are plenty of people out there who are similar to your ideal client, so focus on marketing just to that one ideal person. Let go of trying to reach everyone else. You’ve got your life to live. You’ve got your man to meet, marry or manage!

So, love, before you go sharing this with everyone who needs to hear this message (and I know you know at least one person who does), make sure you leave a comment about how you can bring more love and more money into your business!

{Featured image via Prosperity Funding Network}