Some women just attract wealth, good fortune, and luck. But what if anyone could? What if you could? Denise Duffield-Thomas truly believes that any woman can be a lucky bitch and today she’s sharing a bit of her wisdom with us!
In case people don’t know about you and your amazing business, would you mind sharing what you do?
I’m a small biz and life coach as well as the author of Lucky Bitch – everything I do is designed to inspire entrepreneurs to create lives of outrageous success, personally and professionally. I work with clients all around the world 1:1 and I also run a series of online courses for entrepreneurs to attract and manifest their wildest dreams. I work from my home in gorgeous sunny Newcastle, Australia.
Your philosophy revolves around luck and the guts to ask for (and work toward) fantastic opportunities. What helped you develop this belief?
I finally pieced together all the personal development I’d been studying and realized it was a formula to attract success. In one year, I had the most unbelievable luck – I won tickets to personal development seminars, a scholarship to a life-coaching course and then the biggie – 6 months all expenses paid travel around the world. All of those opportunities showed up because I had very clear goals and I was unattached about HOW they would come into my life. After attracting half a million dollars worth of courses and travel, I was somewhat convinced and I knew I could teach it to others. And I have – my clients have also become extraordinarily lucky too, around their business and personal goals (even attracting love!).
What’s the one thing a solopreneur can do today to begin embracing ‘luck’ and ‘attract’ magic?
Know what you want! Having vague goals is like calling your local pizza parlour to say, “Send me something you think I’d like.” You’ll always get vague and random results back. Having a strong and clear intention is so important, as is the emotion you have around the intention. As you’re hustling in your business, convince yourself that it’s all working towards your big dream and get excited as if outrageous success is just around the corner.
In addition to being a coach, you’re also an author. What drove you to write and publish, Lucky Bitch?
I’ve wanted to write a book since I was a kid, after my mum bought me a typewriter for my 9th birthday. I just never thought I had anything good to say. But after my year of incredible good luck, I thought it would be a great story. I wrote the first draft in a month and decided to self-publish for the instant gratification and the amazing platforms we have available to us. I recommend every entrepreneur write a book, it’s a great business builder.
You and your business have evolved so much over the past few years. Was there ever a time when you worried about failing or met a hard obstacle? How did you overcome it and push forward?
Of course. All the time. I think entrepreneurship is the best personal development you can have. Nothing else challenges your self-worth, beliefs around what’s possible, your confidence, and worst doubts about yourself. As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly learning and growing, including setting your own prices (and dealing with issues around money), asking for business, and setting your own deadlines.
I love it and absolutely thrive on being an entrepreneur, so I keep going because I know I could never go back into a job. That would be torture! I sometimes have a bad day and I just dust myself off and continue tomorrow.
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Thanks so much Megan for including me in your interview series!