Many years ago, when I had my wholesale business, especially when I was first starting out, I came up with a lot of excuses of why I needed to avoid the selling part:
Designing is my talent, not selling!
My collection is so close to my heart! What if they say no?
I ran out of time because I got tied up in X, Y and Z.
I have so many things to do, I just don’t have time to sell.
And the list went on….
For the first few months of my business, I let fear and acting small take over. What I needed to do, and eventually DID do, was to own my talent and go out there and get new clients.
The good news? When I started to put attention on the sales in my jewelry business, everything changed. I began making a lot more money and landed some key accounts that gave me the freedom to spend more time designing. I realized that when I thought of all of the things that I had to do at once, I became completely overwhelmed. However, when I broke the “sales” part down and got really brave, the sales flooded in.
Keeping the sales momentum in your jewelry business is something so essential to the livelihood of your business. Yet why do so many designers avoid it like the plague? In addition to being overwhelmed, I think fear is the culprit. Selling DOES NOT have to be scary. Taking it day by day is really the secret to your success as a designer. Because without sales, you don’t have a business.
As we start to approach the holiday season, it’s important to have a daily focus on sales. Here are some of my Everyday tips to increase sales in your jewelry business.
1. Create a system
Especially for those who are terrified of sales, you need to make it easy on yourself. Create a system of the sales flow that has worked for you. This could include templates for sales pitches, processes for every part of the sales funnel and anything else that you get caught up on or stuck with. Imagine it being easy peasy to get sales flowing through your biz.
2. Carve out time every day to work on sales
I mean it! Book an appointment to work on getting more sales and following up with existing clients every day. Carving time might include things like crafting your newsletter, calling on new clients, servicing previous clients, customer relationship building, asking for referrals and reaching out to ask for the order. These principles can be catered to any jewelry business model.
3. Believe that it’s possible
Sometimes it’s really easy to let your mind take over and go down the rabbit hole. You have to have confidence and believe in yourself if you are going to have consistent sales. Having talent is the first step, but confidence is the most important step. Without confidence and a believe that you are worth it, it will be hard for buyers to say yes.
4 Be Resilient
You are going to get some “NO’s” and that is OK. It’s all part of the process. Often times, all of those NO’s are what leads to the perfect YES! When a client says no, it’s usually for a bigger purpose and reason. In fact, I had three clients who were in the funnel say NO right before my biggest month in sales and profit over the past 4 years. The client’s who said NO were a Godsend because it lit a fire under my ass to do better and to get on it with sales! The NO’s are NOT a reflection of your talent! Never forget that.
Remember, persistence is key. Keeping your energy focused on sales and staying consistent in your efforts is the difference between those who are raking in the profits and those who are not.
In the comments below, tell me the following:
1. What holds you back from having the sales you desire?
2. Are you using any of these methods already? If not, which of these methods will you implement right away?
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@Flourish_Thrive taught me how to set my business up for a flood of sales! [bitly link]
Over at Flourish & Thrive Academy, we are on a mission to help jewelry designers make the most profits out of their businesses. If you want some extra help ramping up for the Holiday Season, make sure you pick up our FREEBIE 151 ways to Boost your Holiday Sales. It’s completely free because we are here to help you succeed in business.
P.S We almost forgot to mention that we are hosting a totally FREE no pitch challenge to help jewelry designers to increase their sales this Holiday season call 20 sales in 20 days! We are giving away some awesome prizes to those who share the contest with their jewelry designer friends and get the most entries! You’ll be eligible to win prizes like Two 45 minute coaching sessions with Tracy & Robin of Flourish & Thrive Academy plus a $25 Rio Grande Gift Card. GO HERE to register and share a lot to win!
The only thing that holds me back is myself. I get in the way of my talent by being shy or antisocial. I am an amazing saleswoman but I have a hard time starting conversations with people. I jump right into sales mode and it can turn some people away. I also have a hard time calling customers and saying I found them something when they weren’t asking for me to look for anything. Basically, I am in a shell, and am looking for more ways to step out.
The only thing that holds me back is fear of talking to people.i become blank in front of the customer.i want to become the best salesman ….i would really appreciate if you can help me out.
The only thing that holds me back is fear of talking to people and how to convince the customer.i become blank in front of the customer.i want to become the best salesman ….i would really appreciate if you can help me out.
My problem is customer s are not steping in the shop, I have potential to sell, and enough stock to display to customer, but problem is I m not getting new walking customer.
Pl help Me to increase my sales