Love Marie Forleo’s interviews?  Can’t get enough of Blogcast FM’s podcasts?  If you’ve been considering adding interviews to your business platform as a way to connect with your fans and expand your expertise (as well as your revenue streams), you’re going to love this program!

Product: Create Awesome Interviews

Creator: David Siteman Garland

Claim to Fame: The man behind The Rise to the Top: The #1 Show, Resource, and Community for Mediapreneurs

Star Rating: 5 Stars!

What it includes:

  • 9 video modules
  • 4 bonuses: Interrogation interviews with the top 1% of online interviewers, a huge resource guide, a guide on how to land sponsors, and a session with internet marketing coach Ryan Lee.  Woohoo!


What we loved about it!

David puts all of his advice and skills at your disposal and moves you from conception to promotion, making sure you miss all the pitfalls that he encountered years ago when he started his own interview series and business.  He takes you through his exact workflow to show you how he creates his best interviews.  Plus, he makes sure you have a solid, branded foundation so that your interviews will be uniquely yours.

What makes this course unique?

David doesn’t just walk you through the technology aspect of recording and sharing video interviews but explains how to get the guests you want, how to promote your interviews properly, and how to go after sponsors so that, like him, your site can take in a 6-figure income.

Best of the best?

The bonuses!  I don’t know about you but a full set of extra resources AND a session with internet marketing coach Ryan Lee (who charges $1,000 an hour for his services) sounds awesome!  Plus, the information regarding sponsorship is essential to ensuring the life of your interview series.

So if you’re ready to create your own irresistible interview-based web show that sticks out from the pack and matches your personality and passion (and get it edited and published in 10 minutes), you definitely need to check out Create Awesome Interviews.  This is one of the best courses we’ve seen on producing business-building interviews.