Isn’t entrepreneurship crazy? I mean, you have this grand idea, start a fledgling business, and you’re so thrilled about moving things forward. But alas, despite your eagerness to “get there” already, you can’t quite put a finger on how to brand your business.

There are so many different variables to consider:

  • What is your mission?
  • What should your tagline say?
  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • What do they really want from a business like yours?
  • And better yet, what special edge do you have that will keep your customers coming back time and time again?

Aye, it’s enough to make your head spin!

The hard truth about branding your business, is this: it just takes time. You can’t expect to get it right, right out of the gate. Certainly not overnight, nor in a matter of days. In reality, the most AUTHENTIC business brands are built over a period of weeks, months, and even years…and they’re well worth the wait! Think of those absolutely bona fide small businesses you love: luminaries like Marie Forleo…your
favorite blog like Design*Sponge… that smokin’ hot accessories boutique in your hometown. You’d be kidding yourself to think that such greatness could be achieved in anything less than a few years, right?!

BUT, I’m here to tell you, there ARE things you can do to help your brand-development process along, and most importantly, to arrive at your truest, most desirable brand. Because I’m betting that what you really want is to be AUTHENTIC & IRRESISTIBLE (even though it will take a bit of time and patience to get there)…

  1. Regularly ask self-and-business-exploring questions. I’m talking juicy stuff, like “My customers supposedly want XYZ, but deep down, what do they really want that drives them to seek out (and buy) my products?” or “What would totally rock my (ideal) customers’ world? Something so awesome that they would line up around the block to get first dibs on it, before it sells out?” or “Who do I really want to work with, and how can I serve them in a way that is both extraordinarily fulfilling for me, and superbly beneficial to them?” Dig deep, discover unique capabilities and strengths you never knew you had, and figure out how to align what you HAVE with what your prospects WANT.
  2. Solicit feedback from your prospects, clients, customers, and so forth. Ask them what works, what doesn’t, what products/services they wish you would offer (that perhaps you hadn’t thought of yet), and other such queries. Pay special attention to the commentary you receive; it will tell you loads of useful, brand-shaping information, like what your customers value most, what they love (or don’t) about you, why they would choose you over your competitors, and much more.
  3. Create a notebook, start a special folder on your computer, or hang a corkboard, to collect words and images related to your (constantly evolving) brand. Take notes at different stages of your business; write down your answers to probing questions (like those in tip #1 above); paste in imagery that pertains to your business, your unique style, your mission in life, and so forth. Revisit your notebook/folder/board often, to reflect on your journey thus far, add new insights, and watch your brand take shape before your very eyes.

Once you begin to narrow in on your truest business brand, you’ll feel it deep down. Like simmering a pot of soup until the flavors have finally begun to meld together into something that’s positively scrumptious, you’ll recognize the aroma of your brand coming full-circle. The smell of that soup will attract a mob of ravenously hungry family and friends; a whiff of your authentic brand will draw in legions of your target consumers, eager to learn more about your business and the products or services you offer. Bon appétit!

{Featured image via Marie Forleo}